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July 21, 2022

How To Adjust When Your Village Moves Away

How To Adjust When Your Village Moves Away

How to Adjust When Your Village Moves Away 

It is difficult when our friends, family members, and loved ones move away. We can't help but feel a sense of loss when we lose contact with them. It can be particularly challenging when they move far away, and we have no means of being physically in contact with them. However, there are ways to make the adjustment easier on us. These include scheduling appointments, making new friends, participating in therapy, or planning in advance for future visits.

Join this conversation with Liz Tillman Nichols as we talk about what a village is, who our village is, what happens when our village moves away, and how to readjust when we move away from our village. Liz is the founder of Dope as a Mother, a teacher, mother, wife, and serial entrepreneur who has built a platform dedicated to uplifting moms and encouraging them to be exactly who they want to be.

Tune in!

During this episode, you will learn about;

[00:36] Episode intro and a quick bio of the guest

[02:45] What is a ‘village’ in this context

[03:30] What comprises your village

[04:48] Liz's Village that moves away and the impact it has had

[08:03] How Liz re-adjusted without her family village

[09:58] How to cultivate honesty from within

[11:34] How and why some areas of our lives have changed without her village

[13:22] Allowing herself to go through the emotional feelings of separation from the village 

[16:11] How the relationship has grown cold since the village moved 

[20:46] How it feels seeing them enjoy life in places she can't be

[21:18] How often does Liz visit them

[22:42] Why it is important to plan for meetings with a village that has moved away

[24:56] Feel the moment when your village is moving away- do not assume

[26:11] Practical ways to adjust and cultivate healthy relationships

[27:39] Q&A from our Facebook group

[31:38] Episode wrap up

[33:01] How you can reach out and connect with Liz

Notable Quotes 

  • Be flexible enough to know that changes are inevitable. They will come anyway.
  • Cultivate honesty from within before you can be honest with other people.
  • To cultivate honesty, you need a lot of self-awareness and introspection. 
  • Physical meetings with people and socializing will never equal a virtual meeting.
  • Not every person you are dealing with is part of your village.

Let’s Connect 


Liz Tillman Nichols

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/busylizzyconsulting/

Facebook: https://web.facebook.com/groups/2352062945023516/


Monique Simmons

Website: https://www.demowithmo.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/demowithmo/

Facebook: https://web.facebook.com/demowithmo/

TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@demowithmo/

Facebook Private Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/548524369897098/?ref=share

About The Show

       *****Thank you so much for listening to the DEMO with Mo PODCAST! This podcast’s mission is to help equip you with the tools and practical applications to do relationships well. Get inspired, motivated, and tuned up with honest conversations every week. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram and be part of this blessed family.
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Liz Tillman Nichols Profile Photo

Liz Tillman Nichols

Mom/Wife/Dope Mom/Author

Liz Tillman Nichols is a wife, mother, teacher, author, and serial entrepreneur. When she’s not spending time with her family or teaching, she’s busy cooking up another idea. She’s passionate about all things dealing with women. A modern self care maven, she wants you to take care of you first.